i have a question...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Get Agita When I Don't Post Every Other Day

So here's a blow-by-blow of what's going on:

Wednesday night:
Partied with my grad school classmates;
Drank too much champagne (as I am wont to do);
Danced a lot;
Laughed a lot;
Took embarrassing photos;
Took an unnecessary shot of tequila;
Drank late into the evening/early morning;
Tried to do a proper duet of "Champagne" from In the Heights...eight times.

Suffered inevitable hangover;
Consumed fried egg BLT in Brookline with girlfriends;
Lunched with kiddoes;
Reached awkward realization of not being their teacher anymore.

Slept very late, after drunken sleep Wednesday night;
Lunch with RM, during which she gave me MANY wonderful gifts and a card that made me burst into tears in public;
Finally hung with cousin and watched TLC shows late into the evening;
Felt her baby kick (she's due in September).

Slept late;
Hung with roommates and watched the final minutes of the season finale of Private Practice;
Tried not to become obsessed with said show;
Got back into bed until 3 PM;
Headed to spa for spa pedicure;
Got legs massaged and geranium-scrubbed;
Got toes painted iridescent blue;
Dinner and drinks with MW;
Impulse-slightly-drunken shoe shopping;
Breaking in new shoes.

Probably sleeping late;
Brother arrives;
Drinks with friends;
Dinner with friend's family;
Inevitable stumbling home with brother.

Hopefully waking up without hangover;
Breakfast with brother;
Commencement at 3 PM;
Dinner with adoring fans.

Holy shit.


MeredithDuck said...

Congrats to you! Have a fantastic day. :)

Annie said...

Thank you so much!!