i have a question...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Job, vol. XXIX: the Incoherent edition

I slept from about midnight until 430 am, headed to the airport with six students flying out early, got back to campus around 930 am, slept until noon, ate lunch, cleaned fridges, scraped paint off of stones, took signs down from dorms, and picked up trash until 315 and now will nap again until about 445, when I will shower, buy some booze, get ready for the final staff dinner and then party and relax with the rest of the staff until I imagine I will pass out from exhaustion and maybe even a little inebriation from champagne (I've earned this, dammit!)

But. My job is over. Officially.

I did it.

1 comment:

gilsonwalker said...

Wooooohooooo!!!! You did it!!!! Xoxo.